+603-7783 2828| +6012-585 5693 / +6012-585 5700| sales@silverbells.com.my

HB 2325 Crimson Splendor Rose & Carnation Bouquet

HB 2325 Crimson Splendor Rose & Carnation Bouquet


Looking for a captivating hand bouquet that exudes passion and sophistication? Look no further than our Crimson Splendor Hand Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement showcases a stunning combination of radiant roses and elegant carnations, artfully wrapped in a striking red color. Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or celebrating special occasions. Elevate your gift-giving experience with this enchanting bouquet that is sure to make a lasting impression. Order now and let the vibrant allure of roses and carnations bring joy and beauty to your loved ones.


  • 10stk x Pink Roses
  • 5stk x Carnation
  • Statics
  • Tea Leaf
  • Eucalyptus
  • Message card
  • Free Delivery (more info)


Unleash the Splendor of Love with our Crimson Splendor Hand Bouquet. ❤️ Let the vibrant red wrapping and the exquisite blend of roses and carnations make a statement of passion and elegance. #CrimsonSplendor #HandBouquet #LoveInBloom #FloralElegance



Seasonal flowers and packaging materials are subject to availability and will be substituted with equal or greater the value.

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For orders received before 12:00 PM (Monday – Friday) (Malaysian time – GMT+8.00), delivery is within the same day.

For orders received after 12:00 PM (Monday – Friday) (Malaysian time – GMT+8.00), it will depend on our operation availability, we will try to arrange for same day delivery. But if it is peak delivery for our operation, the deliveries will be made on the next working day (Excluding Sundays & Public Holidays).

As our operation hour for Saturday is 9:00 AM – 12.00 PM and Sunday is closed, hence for orders received after 11:00 AM on Saturday as well as received on Sunday, delivery will be made on the upcoming Monday (Excluding public holidays).

*For outstation’s delivery, it will be done by local agent therefore the arrangement and pricing will be different from our website.

*Due to imperfect market condition, Silver Bells reserve the rights to replace any item with another item of equal value depending on stock availability.

**While Silver Bells maintain quality standards, flowers send are subject to seasonal availability and may differ slightly from those features in the photo.