+603-7783 2828| +6012-585 5693 / +6012-585 5700| sales@silverbells.com.my

MA 2306 Mid Autumn Hamper: Exquisite Mooncake Gift Set

MA 2306 Mid Autumn Hamper: Exquisite Mooncake Gift Set


Embrace the magic of the moonlit season with Lunar Delights: our exquisite mooncake gift set. Elevate your Mid-Autumn festivities with tradition and indulgence. #LunarDelights #MooncakeSeason #MidAutumnJoy #IndulgeInTradition

  • 2pcs x Baker’s Cottage Signature Single Yolk White Lotus (Halal)
  • 1pcs x Baker’s Cottage Pandan Lotus (Halal)
  • 1pcs x Baker’s Cottage Superior Red Bean Mooncake (Halal)
  • 1box x Besfomec Ming Ya Nest with Ginseng, White Fungus & Rock Sugar (3 x 70ml)
  • 1set x Exclusive Chinese Tea Travel Set
  • 2unit x Abalone In Superior Chicken Soup (250g)
  • 1can x Premium Pu Er Tea in Tin Canister
  • Oriental Bamboo Weaved Basket
  • Mid Autumn Decoration
  • Message card
  • Free Delivery within Klang Valley (more info).

Kindly ensure delivery address is correct to avoid additional charge


Food items and packaging materials are subject to availability and will be substituted with equal or greater the value.

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Delivery within our free delivery area. Please allow 2 to 3 working days for hamper orders delivery during festival period due to overwhelming volume surge. We sincerely apologies for the inconveniences caused and thank you for your continued support.

For hamper delivery that is outside of our free delivery a minimum 7 to 10 working days required. (Outstation Hamper will be courier to respective address via GD Express)


*Due to imperfect market condition, Silver Bells reserve the rights to replace any food item with another item of equal value depending on stock availability. Silver Bells Hamper & Gift Sdn Bhd will not be held responsible for any typographical error, omission or miscommunication in the list and defer from the photo.*

**While Silver Bells maintain quality standards food products and basket are seasonal availability and may differ slightly from those features in the photo.